
Guinness - Spoken Word

Comercial da cerveja Guinness que fala sobre a busca da grandeza e perfeição. Os efeitos especiais e animação é da Shilo.

Otexto do video:
“I’m on a journey. It started 28 years 12 weeks 3 days 6 hours 36 minutes and 14, 15, 16 seconds ago. And in this time I’ve come too far, too far to listen to critics too far to consider defeat to far to be less than great… 25, 26, 27, 28 … The knocks in my journey mapped out by my stars they’re both story and proof of how I reach for the stars, my hands in the air, my feet on the floor… 42, 43, 44 … I’m on a journey and it won’t stop until I do… 49…”

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